الخميس , نوفمبر 14 2024
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رئيس التحرير التنفيذى محمد يحيى
مساعد رئيس التحرير سامح المنسي
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الرئيسية / اخبار مصر / In pictures… Honoring the son of Dr. Essam Al-Gharbawi for his excellence in High School

In pictures… Honoring the son of Dr. Essam Al-Gharbawi for his excellence in High School

Photography: Adel Abd-Allah


In a large ceremony sponsored by the Mohamed Farid Khamis Foundation, the top high school students for the year 2022 were honored, in the presence of a large number of politicians and society, at the Republican Guard House in Salah Salem.

Among the honorees was student Mahmoud Essam, son of the famous Dr. Essam Al-Gharbawi, owner of Shorouk Center for Obstetrics and Gynecology.

It is worth mentioning that Mahmoud Essam Al-Gharbawi, who obtained a total of 398 scientific degrees, the first on Kafr El-Dawar, the second on Al-Buhaira Governorate, and the fifth bis on Al-Gomhoria.

He joined the Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, and his ambition from the first day of high school was to remain the first in the republic

And in a statement to 3ajel 24, Mahmoud said: “Success is nothing but the harvest of many attempts from failure, and our whole life consists of attempts and cleverness that we fill our lives with these successes, and it is not a condition in education, but in hobbies and public life that we practice what we love and develop in it. I have talent in writing classic poetry, and with  God willing, my talent is growing with the days.

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