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Home / اخبار مصر / In pictures… A great turnout for “Farm Cheese”co. after the opening of the Egyptian Cheese Festival in its first Edition in Orman

In pictures… A great turnout for “Farm Cheese”co. after the opening of the Egyptian Cheese Festival in its first Edition in Orman

Dr. Alaa Azouz, head of the agricultural extension sector at the Ministry of Agriculture, inaugurated the first cheese festival in Orman Park in Giza today, and the festival will continue until next Monday with the participation of many companies and dairy and cheese producers under the auspices of the Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation.


The exhibition witnessed a huge turnout of visitors to the pavilion of the “Farm Cheese” company for the cheese industry, which has been working in the field of producing dairy products since 1991.

Dr. Mahmoud Hussein, the coordinator of the festival, said that this is the first event of its kind in the history of Egyptian marketing, as it is held under the auspices of the Minister of Agriculture, the Minister of Supply, Internal Trade, Trade, Industry, Military Production, Social Solidarity, Tourism and Antiquities, represented by the Tourism Revitalization Authority, pointing to the continuation of the event. Until next Monday at the Orman Botanical Garden in Giza.

He explained that more than 40 exhibitors from various Egyptian cheese factories are expected to participate in the festival, and the focus will be on natural products in general.

He added that light will be shed on what has been accomplished by President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi’s initiative to develop milk collection centers in various governorates of Egypt, and the most important developments that have taken place in the field of deepening the local industry of equipment and devices for milk collection and cooling, as well as safe transportation from a health point of view, will be presented.

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