رئيس مجلس الأدارة د. وليد بدوي
رئيس التحرير التنفيذى محمد يحيى
مساعد رئيس التحرير سامح المنسي
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الرئيسية / اخبار مصر / In pictures…a huge turnout at the “Hyma Plastic” pavilion at Sahara Exhibition 2023

In pictures…a huge turnout at the “Hyma Plastic” pavilion at Sahara Exhibition 2023

The pavilion of Hyma Plastic witnessed a large turnout of visitors, on the first day of the activities of the sahara agricultural exhibition, which was held in the exhibition area of ​​Al-Moshir Axis in the Fifth Settlement. The exhibition was opened by Mr. Al-Quseir, Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, and he said that Egypt witnessed a major agricultural renaissance during the era of President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, President of the Republic, because it is the main source of food, reviewing some of those achievements in the field of horizontal and vertical expansion and the establishment of giant agricultural projects.

This is the thirty-fifth session of the “Sahara International” exhibition, in the presence of some ambassadors of foreign countries, leaders of the Ministry of Agriculture, representatives of Parliament, and the organizing company. It is considered the largest agricultural exhibition in Africa, and is held over three days, at the Egypt Exhibition Center in the gathering, with the participation of more than 200 exhibitors from major companies. Global and local in various sectors of the agricultural field.


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